Family Percidae
Perch are easily identified by a pair of bristle dorsal fins with sharp spines, a very large expandable mouth and a row of five to nine dark stripes running down either side of their bodies. Significant are the red abdominal and tail fins. The size can vary greatly between bodies of water area, depending on temperature and food supply.
Variations of green and yellow, lower fins are red/orange fins and a white belly.
Average size
Female 20-35 cm / 1-3 kg, males rarely weigh more than 0,5 kg
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Family Percidae
Perch are easily identified by a pair of bristle dorsal fins with sharp spines, a very large expandable mouth and a row of five to nine dark stripes running down either side of their bodies. Significant are the red abdominal and tail fins. The size can vary greatly between bodies of water area, depending on temperature and food supply.
Variations of green and yellow, lower fins are red/orange fins and a white belly.
Average size
Female 20-35 cm / 1-3 kg, males rarely weigh more than 0,5 kg
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Latin = Perca fluviatilis
Species' local name
English: Perch |
Svenska: Abborre |
Suomi: Ahven |
По-русски: окунь речной |
Esti: Harilik Ahven |
Lietuviškai: Ešery |
Latviešu: Asaris |
Polski: Okoń europejski |
German: Flussbarsch |
Dansk: Abborre |