Snowy Owl
Family Petromyzontidae
This is a large bird with excellent eyesight. The eyes are shaped like tubes and not balls so they cannot turn their eyeballs, instead their heads can turn almost 360º.
Males entirely white, females white with black spots on their lower part.
Average size
53-66 cm / female 2,1 kg, male 1,7 kg, wingspan 140 - 165 cm
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Family Petromyzontidae
This is a large bird with excellent eyesight. The eyes are shaped like tubes and not balls so they cannot turn their eyeballs, instead their heads can turn almost 360º.
Males entirely white, females white with black spots on their lower part.
Average size
53-66 cm / female 2,1 kg, male 1,7 kg, wingspan 140 - 165 cm
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Latin = Bubo scandiacus
Species' local name
English: Snowy Owl |
Svenska: Fjälluggla |
Suomi: Tunturipöllö |
По-русски: полярная сова |
Esti: Lumekakk |
Lietuviškai: Baltoji pelėda |
Latviešu: Sniega pūce |
Polski: Sowa śnieżna |
German: Schnee-Eule |
Dansk: Sneugle |